
Governance Policies

Council has a range of governance policies that capture the ‘big picture’ issues of how to achieve our strategic direction and vision. These are collated into the following four areas based on the CouncilMarkTM programme:

1. Governance, Leadership and Strategy

Significance and Engagement Policy
The Significance and Engagement Policy enables Council and the community to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets and decisions. In applying the policy Council will make it clear to communities how and when they can expect to be engaged in decisions about different issues. The policy also means that Council will be informed from the beginning of a decision-making process about the extent and form of any public engagement that is expected before a particular decision is made. 
Significance and Engagement Policy

Members’ Remuneration and Allowances
This policy outlines Council’s agreed approach to allocating the governance remuneration pool and allowances in line with the Determination made by the Remuneration Authority. It also includes information to guide remuneration of non-elected members and attendance at conferences, seminars and training. For the most recent decision on members remuneration see this section of the Remuneration Authority’s website: remauthority.govt.nz/local-government-members
Members’ Remuneration and Allowances Policy

Risk Policy & Framework
This policy outlines roles and responsibilities, and clear direction for effective management of risk at Council. The Risk Management Framework considers the risk management process at Council.
Risk Policy
Risk Management Framework

Proactive Release Policy
This policy outlines how Council will continue to promote good governance and encourage transparency in decision-making by increasing the availability of official information in the community. Proactive Release Policy

Governance Documents
These documents provide Council guidance about its purpose meeting procedures, powers and delegations, and expectations regarding conduct. These documents are heavily based in legislation and are typically standardised by industry experts.
Elected Member Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Community Board Members
Delegations Policy and Register
Local Governance Statement
Standing Orders
Terms of Reference

2. Community Engagement and Development

This policy helps ensures we are effective partners with iwi, hapū and Māori and fulfil our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Māori Policy

Grants and Concessions
These policies guide the allocation of funding to groups and organisations contributing to community outcomes, and sets our funding priorities and principles.
Grants Policy
Pain Farm Income Distribution Policy

3. Financial Decision-Making and Transparency

Funding and Financial Policies
These policies are adopted in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 and set out Council’s approach to managing its financial resources. They outline the principles for determining how Council will fund its activities, guide Council’s management of its investments and borrowing, and guide the use of financial and development contributions for the costs of community facilities expected as the district grows.
Revenue and Financing Policy
Treasury Management Policy
Development Contributions and Financial Contributions Policy

Rating and Write-Off Policies (various)
These policies outline certain circumstances when Council may remit or postpone rates, or write-off charges.
Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land
Postponement of Rates
Remission of Rates

Fraud and Corruption Policy
This policy states Councils approach to fraud and corruption and provides guidelines for the prevention, detection and response.
Fraud and Corruption Policy

Financial Delegations
This policy provides Council guidance to enable effective Local Government, by delegating financial authority and powers to the Chief Executive and Staff.
Financial Delegations Policy

Procurement Policy
This policy describes the principles that apply when Council sources goods and/or services externally.
Procurement Policy

Discretionary Expenditure Policy
This policy provides a principles-based approach for managing Council discretionary expenditure to ensure it is appropriate, justifiable and can withstand public scrutiny.
Discretionary Expenditure Policy

Tax Governance Framework
This document establishes the tax governance framework and strategy for South Wairarapa District Council.
Tax Governance Framework

4. Asset Management and Service Delivery

Property Policies
These policies guide Council’s management of land and buildings, including acquisition, disposal and leasing. They ensure a consistent approach to the management of property and land throughout the district.

Acquisition and Disposal of Property
Leasing of Property Policy
Senior Housing Policy
Urban Street Tree Policy

Regulatory Policies
These policies are Council’s response to specific pieces of legislation. They establish local regulatory approaches to national issues. In some cases they are mandatory meaning Council must have a
policy. In other cases these policies are not mandatory, although national-level regulation can often apply if Council’s do not adopt their own policies
Control of Dogs Policy & Bylaw
Psychoactive Substances Local Approved Products Policy
Wairarapa Class 4 Gambling and Standalone TAB Venues Policy
Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy
Wairarapa Combined Smoke and Vape Free Policy
Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy
Wairarapa Local Alcohol Policy
Wairarapa Local Alcohol Policy – to come into effect 1 February 2025

Services Policies
These policies guide decision-making with respect to our assets and services, particularly roading and water.
Irrigation of Key Council Assets Policy
Infrastructure Protection Deposits
Naming of Public & Private Roads and Rights of Way Policy
Town Water Supply Policy
Waste Water Disposal Policy

Organisational Policies

SWDC’s organisational policies are mainly focused on internal activities and guide operational decision-making to ensure the organisation operates in a way to reach the destination set by elected and appointed members. These policies have been grouped into three broad themes and are listed below.

2. People and Capability

3. Safety and Wellbeing

Policy Review

Our policies are regularly reviewed to make sure they are fit for purpose. Visit this page to register your interest in upcoming reviews of our governance policies.

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