Agenda and minute documents, and videos of meetings where available can be found on each meeting page.

Māori Standing Committee 10 May 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting 11 May 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Greytown Community Board 11 May 2022

WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre 89 Main Street, Greytown

This meeting will be held in the WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Annual Plan – Zoom Meeting

This is a public session via Zoom where elected members can answer questions on the 2022/23 Annual Plan from those who have pre-registered to attend. This will be live-streamed on our…

Featherston Community Board 17 May 2022

Kiwi Hall, Featherston 62 Bell Street, Featherston

This meeting will be held in the Kiwi Hall, 62 Bell Street, Featherston. Masks are required for all those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If…

Council Meeting 18 May 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Martinborough Community Board 19 May 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Planning & Regulatory Meeting 1 June 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Assets & Services Meeting 1 June 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Council Meeting 15 June 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Māori Standing Committee 21 June 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee 22 June 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Greytown Community Board 22 June 2022

WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre 89 Main Street, Greytown

This meeting will be held in the WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Featherston Community Board 28 June 2022

Kiwi Hall, Featherston 62 Bell Street, Featherston

This meeting will be held in the Kiwi Hall, 62 Bell Street, Featherston. Masks are required for all those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If…

Council Meeting 30 June 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Martinborough Community Board 30 June 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Elections 2022 – Candidate Briefing session

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

Are you considering running for Council or Community Board?Warwick Lampp from Electionz will be running a Candidate Briefing Session covering:What local government is all aboutThe responsibilities of elected membersThe JDCouncil…

Planning & Regulatory Meeting 13 July 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Assets & Services Meeting 13 July 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Council Meeting 14 July 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Māori Standing Committee 2 August 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee 3 August 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Greytown Community Board 3 August 2022

WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre 89 Main Street, Greytown

This meeting will be held in the WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Featherston Community Board 9 August 2022

Kiwi Hall, Featherston 62 Bell Street, Featherston

This meeting will be held in the Kiwi Hall, 62 Bell Street, Featherston. Masks are required for all those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If…

Council Meeting 10 August 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Martinborough Community Board 11 August 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Council 24 August 2022
Extraordinary Meeting

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Planning & Regulatory Meeting 24 August 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

Due to this mornings 9.00am Council meeting running overtime, this meeting has been delayed. The meeting will commence at 10.30am. This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga…

Assets & Services Meeting 24 August 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Workshop: Featherston Masterplan

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

Due to technical issues, this workshop was held at Council Offices in Martinborough and recorded, it is available now on YouTube. For more information on the Featherston Masterplan please visit:…

Grants Subcommittee 7 September 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Grants Subcommittee 8 September 2022 (Reserve Day)

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Māori Standing Committee 13 September 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee 14 September 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

CEO Review Committee Meeting 14 September 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Greytown Community Board 14 September 2022

WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre 89 Main Street, Greytown

This meeting will be held in the WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre. Masks are required for those in attendance and physical distancing throughout the meeting is recommended. If you are…

Council Meeting 21 September 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Masks are not required for those in attendance, but will be made available for those who would like…

Council Meeting 26 October 2022

Pāpāwai Marae Pā Road, Greytown

This meeting will be held at Pāpāwai Marae, Pā Road (previously Pah Road), Greytown. This meeting will be held in public, everyone is welcome.  A pōwhiri will be held at…

Annual Report Workshop 23 November 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This workshop has been scheduled to review the draft Annual Report 2021/22 with elected members. The workshop is open to the public (but not for public participation) and will be…

Rating Review Workshop 24 November 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This workshop is scheduled for the Rating Review with elected members. For the latest information about the Revenue and Financing Policy Review and timeframes, please refer to the September Council…

Featherston Masterplan Briefing 7 December 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This workshop will provide elected members with an update on the refinement of the Featherston Masterplan, including the detailed design of the main street and the connection through to the…

Council Meeting 14 December 2022

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Council Meeting 8 February 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Finance Committee 15 February 2023 – Venue Change

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

The Finance Committee meeting venue has been moved due to weather conditions. The venue is now the SWDC Greytown Office and is limited to members of the committee and staff…

Council Meeting 22 February 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Climate Change & Environment Committee 1 March 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Council Meeting 5 April 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Council Workshop – Waka Kotahi 6 April 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This workshop was held support elected members induction and brief members on Land Transport system and funding. A video recording is available by clicking on the SWDC YouTube link below.…

Council Meeting 26/27 April 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Any queries, please contact The meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube Channel, where possible.

Finance Committee 3 May 2023

Pūtahi Room 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Pūtahi Room, SWDC Offices, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome via Zoom due to limited space at the venue. If you wish to speak…

Assurance & Risk Committee 3 May 2023

Pūtahi Room 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Pūtahi Room, SWDC Offices, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome via Zoom due to limited space at the venue. If you wish to speak…

Greytown Community Board Meeting 23 May 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Council Meeting 7 June 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

Please note: due to the file size, the agenda pack has been uploaded in two parts. This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation…

Annual Plan Hearings – 8 June 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. If you have cold and flu symptoms, please stay at home. The meetings will be livestreamed on YouTube Channel,…

Annual Plan Deliberations – 9 June 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. If you have cold and flu symptoms, please stay at home. The meetings will be livestreamed on YouTube Channel,…

Council Meeting 28 June 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Council Meeting 2 August 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

Items tabled at the meeting: C3 Committees of the Whole E1 Report from the Mayor. ---------------------------------------------------------- This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation…

Finance Committee 9 August 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Assurance & Risk Committee 9 August 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Climate Change & Environment Committee 23 August 2023

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This meeting will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. Public participation is welcome. If you wish to speak during the public participation session at any meetings, please…

Long Term Plan – Next Steps Workshop

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

This workshop is open to the public and will be held in the Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough. If you have any queries, please mail If you have cold and…

Council 13 September 2023
Extraordinary Meeting

Supper Room, Waihinga Centre Texas Street, Martinborough

Update: Due to technical issues experienced at the beginning of the meeting, this session is being recorded and will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This meeting will be…

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