In 2021, the Council adopted the South Wairarapa Spatial Plan-Step 1 Residential Growth Areas. 1.-South-Wairarapa-Spatial-Plan.pdf ( The district-wide Spatial Plan identified Featherston as a Growth Node, with masterplanning for the growth node being prioritised in the Council’s 2021-31 Long Term Plan (LTP).
Recent growth shows that Featherston is an attractive place to live; at the same time this growth brings new challenges such as the increase in house prices and rentals. The Masterplan is an opportunity to be responsive to these challenges and future opportunities alongside the community.
Council is keen to hear from you on what you would like to see as the future of Featherston. An online public meeting/workshop will be held via Zoom on 30 March 2022 starting at 6.30pm.
To register for this meeting please click here. A Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the meeting.
Featherston Masterplan Questionnaire
For those who cannot make the online meeting, a questionnaire will be available at the libraries and online from 28 March 2022. Completed forms can be delivered back to the library or scanned and emailed to by 5 April 2022.
The Featherston Community Board has also offered to deliver questionnaires to those people who need help. Please contact a board member using the details available here.
For enquiries, please email