A piece of road, known as the Gluepot to locals, along the Te Awaiti Road has been causing much grief to road users and residents over the years. It is a slump that is especially vulnerable to heavy rain and surrounding earth movement.
The South Wairarapa District Council has been undertaking monthly fixes and planned maintenance that has improved it quite significantly, especially as a result of some major recent work following cyclones from earlier in the year. The roading crew have:
- Cleared slips
- Replaced culverts
- Filled fallen sections
- Metalled, graded alignments, and
- Removed trees.
The results are in the attached photos. Regular users will note the road has been repeatedly reshaped and, over time, the incline on the northern side has increased. Despite these repairs, it is still a risk due to the instability of the entire area.
At present our advice is that the road is open to all traffic. However, Gluepot is a section of road that is rapidly worsening and is vulnerable to movement following any serious weather event. We rely heavily on the advice of residents to let us know the state of the road, and for that we are grateful to all those who keep us informed. Any issues on the road may be reported to enquiries@swdc.govt.nz or by calling us on 06 306 9611 anytime.
The entire section of steep land on the upward side of the road is moving downwards, putting pressure on the road. Future options include procuring specialist engineering advice and talking with adjacent landowners on collaborative solutions.
For now, we hope road users will appreciate the smoother ride, as evident in these photos. Please exercise due care on the road and drive to conditions.