12.49pm 7 May 2019
Yesterday’s scouring and flushing of the Green zone took longer than expected and caused some issues for households in the Purple Zone, firstly with low water pressure and then unexpected discoloured water. We apologise for the inconvenience to the affected households. Thank you to residents for their understanding and co-operation. A big thank you also to the CityCare team on the ground who worked late into the evening to ensure residents got their water back.
While every effort is being made to isolate network zones and flush as per the advertised schedule, based on our experience of yesterday, water to households outside of the zone in progress may also be affected. Please contact us on 06 306 9611 if this is your experience – it helps us to know this so we can resolve the issue for you.
Extensive flushing after air scouring, until the water runs clear, is being done with the aim of removing any sediment and discoloured water from the network. If you experience some discoloured water from your taps, please run a cold tap (preferably an outside tap) until it clears before use.
This level of air scouring and flushing on the Martinborough water supply network has not been done before. It is a significant undertaking and, although causing some inconvenience now, it is necessary and will be worth it to bring back safe drinking water to the town.
Work on the Purple Zone started at approximately 10am this morning, as planned, and is so far going well. When the work is completed it will be notified here.