Please remember it is your responsibility to keep your meter accessible
If you own a home in South Wairarapa you will have your water meter read this June.
Please remember it is your responsibility to keep your meter accessible, so please locate your meter and ensure any foliage or infrastructure is not obstructing it.
If you’re having trouble finding your meter it will be near your Toby – your water shut-off valve. It could be in the ground or in some sort of box. Lift the lid and you should see the meter dial.
Once you’ve found your meter, why not take a look? The numbers show the volume of water used in cubic metres. This is what your bill is based on.
Residents have a threshold of 350 cubic metres per household annually, above which incurs an additional charge of $1.84 per cubic metre.
If you feel like you’re using an unusual amount of water, or your bill seems high, you might have a leak that will be wasting water and money. To check for leaks turn off all household appliances and taps and note down the meter reading. Leave for as long as possible without using any water (ideally overnight). Check the reading again; if it’s changed then chances are you’ve got a leak and you might want to call a plumber.
If you have any questions around your water meter reading, please contact Maggie 06 306 9611 ext 874 or email at
Thanks for your cooperation!For more information check our webpage on water and sewerage.