Dublin Street bypass road maintenance

Fulton Hogan will be starting maintenance work on the Dublin Street bypass next week to restore the road surfacing.

Where: Dublin Street, Martinborough from Princess to Jellicoe Street

When: Starting Monday 10 July

Work Hours: 7.00am – 6.00pm

Information for residents and road users:

  • The road will remain open
  • Letters have been delivered to affected households and businesses
  • Foreman on site will liaise with residents when work may impede vehicle access to properties
  • In the event of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the work will be postponed until the next suitable day
  • Site foreman will liaise with residents in regards to street parking one day prior to work commencing outside the property
  • Please warn children of the dangers posed by road-works. Ensure that they stand well back from the action and that they follow the directions of workers
  • It is also a good idea to keep pets indoors or in property while work is in progress

Roadwork is a noisy, dirty business. Fulton Hogan will be doing all they can to minimise the impact on households and businesses. Your co-operation and patience will help get the job done as quickly as possible. Roading machines do tend to be noisy and the team will be as respectful as possible.

Actions Taken

The faults will be milled out and a depression left for up to 48 hours prior to filling. This will generate additional noise in the short term, but will allow the process to be completed in half the time. Efficiency’s will be gained by having two cohesive project operations – one milling and two filling.

All new roadwork is routinely monitored and in some cases workers may need to return to site to do things like sweeping and repainting road markings. Residents will receive another letter if further work is required.

South Wairarapa District Council has contracted Fulton Hogan Ltd to do this work.

For further information about this project, please contact:

Justin Teahan – Urban Supervisor
Ruamahanga Maintenance SWDC/CDC
Fulton Hogan Ltd Masterton
Ph: (06) 377 7315 or 027 423 0813

Jeremy Harp – Operations Manager
Ruamahanga Maintenance SWDC/CDC
Fulton Hogan Ltd Masterton
Ph: (06) 377 7315 or 027 218 4133

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