Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs supports young people to find employment

South Wairarapa District Council and the Wairarapa Whānau Trust are working in collaboration on an employment initiative to find effective solutions for youth underemployment and labour, and staffing shortages across the region.

This Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) Community Recovery Pilot in South Wairarapa has been made possible with funding from the Industry Partnerships, Skills for Industry MTFJ Community Recovery Pilot, supported by Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ), MSD and other government agencies.

This initiative is a two-pronged approach: supporting young people to be work-ready and find sustained employment, and supporting businesses to identify staff who is work-ready to cover business commitments and deadlines.

Young people (aged 16-25 years) not in education, employment or training, as well as those displaced as a result of COVID, are able to register with the task force, and so too can businesses who are in need of staff and who wants to be youth-employment ready.

We are committed to working with local businesses, SME’s and those looking for work to provide effective solutions wherever we can.

If you (or someone you know) could benefit from this initiative, make sure to register your interest with us by clicking here.

If you are a business that is needing workers to meet your needs or requirements, you can also register with us here.

For more information around the criteria for being eligible to participate or partner with the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Recovery Programme, please contact Siv Fjaerestad, Community Development Co-ordinator, South Wairarapa District Council

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