This is the Notification of Decision for a Council-initiated Plan Change (Wairarapa International Dark Sky Reserve – Outdoor Artificial Lighting) to the Wairarapa Combined District Plan under Clause 11 of the First Schedule, Resource Management Act 1991.
The following is an independent hearing commissioner’s decision and Council’s Resolution on Wairarapa International Dark Sky Reserve – Outdoor Artificial Lighting Plan Change.
The proposed plan change was advanced as a Council-initiated plan change in support of an application from the Wairarapa Dark Sky Association to the International Dark Sky Association for part of the region to be certified as an International Dark Sky Reserve. The plan change has been a responsive approach to bring forward modern outdoor artificial lighting controls, and includes policies, rules, and other methods in the District Plan to control outdoor lighting throughout the two districts of South Wairarapa and Carterton to minimise the effects of light pollution on the darkness of our night sky.
The application was notified on the 30 September 2020, with the submission period closing on 30 October 2020. No hearing was required due to resolutions through positive inter party discussions. The Independent Hearing Commissioner’s recommended decision was received by Council on 25 May 2021. The Independent Hearings Commissioner recommended approval for the plan change for the Wairarapa International Dark Sky Reserve – Outdoor Artificial Lighting Plan Change. The Commissioner’s recommendations were presented to South Wairarapa District and Carterton District Councils on 30 June 2021, with both Councils adopting the recommendations.
The Council minutes can be viewed here
The recommendations of the Hearing Commissioner and Council Resolution that ratified the Plan Change are available to be viewed:
- Here online
- The South Wairarapa District Council offices, 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
- The Greytown, Martinborough, Featherston and Carterton Public Libraries
The Plan Change provisions can be viewed here
Any person who made a submission on the Plan Change may appeal the Council’s decision to the Environment Court, in accordance with Clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991, in respect of:
- a provision included in the proposed plan change
- a provision that the decision on submissions proposes to include in the plan change
- a matter excluded from the plan change
- a provision that the decision on submissions proposes to exclude from the plan change.
A person may appeal only if the person referred to the provision or matter in their submission on the Plan Change. Any appeal must be in the prescribed form and lodged with the Environment Court by the 29 October 2021.
To find out what these new rules mean for you and your property please see our dedicated webpage, our information brochure, or phone the Planning Department at South Wairarapa District Council (06 306 9611).
Harry Wilson
Chief Executive
For and on behalf of the
South Wairarapa District Council
Geoff Hamilton
Chief Executive
For and on behalf of the
Carterton District Council