Notice: Feedback sought on Martinborough Golf Club lease

25 February 2022

Proposal to grant a new lease of recreation reserve to Martinborough Golf Club Incorporated

Under Section 119 of the Reserves Act 1977 South Wairarapa District Council proposes to grant a new lease to the Martinborough Golf Club Incorporated, of the recreation reserve land located on Todds Road, Martinborough currently occupied and used by the Martinborough Golf Club.

The property has an area of 40.939 hectares and is described as Lot 75 on DP579 Certificate of Title WN103/58.

The proposed lease is for a term of 30 years starting 1 May 2022 with no right of renewal. The proposed lease will be on terms and conditions substantially corresponding with the terms and conditions of the existing lease with an annual lease fee of $2,500 plus GST subject to three yearly reviews.

We want your feedback.

More details of the proposal can be found here.

Let us know if you support, oppose or have any comments on the proposed lease. Please send any such submission by email to or by mail to South Wairarapa District Council, PO Box 6, Martinborough no later than 5pm 25 March 2022. Please indicate if you wish to speak in person to your submission.

Following your submissions, any opposing submissions or submissions wishing to be heard will be considered at the South Wairarapa District Council meeting on 6 April 2022.

If you have any questions, contact:

Harry Wilson
Chief Executive Officer
South Wairarapa District Council

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