Pursuant to Section 342(1)(a) and Condition 4 of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974 public notice is hereby given that the portion of legal road adjacent to 110 East Street, Greytown, being 0.0102 ha described as Section 1 on SO Plan 523726 is declared stopped. This notice is made on the basis that:
- No objections were received to the proposed stopping of the portions of legal road.
- South Wairarapa District Council at its ordinary meeting on 22 July 2020, resolved to delegate to the Chief Executive the authority to take the necessary steps to proceed with the process to stop the formed legal road (comprising approximately 102m2 ) as shown on Survey Office Plan (SO523726) in accordance with Section 342 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974.
Related Documents:
SO Plan 523726
Road Stopping Notice
District Council Minutes 22 July 2020
Supplementary Agenda Item – Road Stopping 22 July 2020
For more information please contact Tim Langley tim.langley@swdc.govt.nz.