Council is looking at the planning needs of Featherston in the next 30 years, particularly in relation to population growth and housing.
Our planners are now holding drop-in sessions to hear your feedback and answer any questions you may have about our work on the Featherston Masterplan.
We’ve prepared a discussion document with a host of information about possibilities for section sizes, densification around public transport, main street rejuvenation and more.
The feedback we get will go towards a draft Masterplan and then to more formal consultation and hearings.
For more, please go to our Featherston Masterplan – the Options webpage, where you’ll find the Foundation Discussion Document and our survey. The survey can be filled in either online or at our libraries (where there are hard copies). Or drop in to talk to us:
Featherston Library:
* Saturday 6 August 9.30am-11am
* Wednesday 10 August 9.30-4pm
Anzac Hall Supper Room
* Thursday 11 Aug 6.30pm-8pm
* Tuesday 16 August 5pm-7pm