
Council Annual and Long Term Plan

The Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to develop a Long Term Plan (LTP) in consultation with the community. The LTP is required to cover a minimum of ten years from the date of its publication. The LTP will be reviewed and updated every three years following a further consultation process. In the first year of an LTP, the financial and service level information in the LTP, is by law, the Annual Plan. In the following two years, the Council will publish an Annual Plan. Each Annual Plan will describe the work programme to deliver that year’s part of the LTP. No significant changes can be made through just the Annual Plan process, unless there is an amendment to the LTP. Any amendment and the Annual Plan can be consulted on and adopted concurrently.

Amendments to the Local Government Act 2002 require the Council to consult with the community on the proposed content of the LTP by way of a Consultation Document (CD), with the draft components of the new LTP available to the community.

The Council has to produce an LTP every three years. In the in-between years (i.e. years two and three) the Council will produce an Annual Plan. This will focus on budget implications of the LTP for that year.

2024-25 Enhanced Annual Plan

Under the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), Council must produce a Long‐Term Plan (LTP) every three years, which was last developed for 2021-31. For the two years in between each LTP (Years two and three of the LTP) an Annual Plan must be produced.

Noting the significant changes ahead for local government, legislation was passed on 13 February 2024 that enabled councils to opt to complete an Enhanced Annual Plan instead of a Long-Term Plan (Sections 48-53 of the Water Services Acts Repeal Bill).

Therefore, the Enhanced Annual Plan 2024-25 is based on year four of the current LTP and must include additional information as set out in the Water Services Acts Repeal Bill. 

The Wairarapa Combined District Plan (WCDP)

The purpose of the District Plan is to assist the Council to carry out its functions in order to achieve the purposes of the Resource Management Act. The WCDP was adopted by South Wairarapa, Carterton and Masterton District Councils in May 2011. The WCDP is the principle means by which the Councils seek to ensure the sustainable management of the natural and physical resources of the district.

Currently the WCDP is undergoing its 10-yearly review, which provides an opportunity to influence land use and subdivision in the district. The review process is expected to take about 3 years, with the aim of having a revised plan in 2023.

Follow the progress of the review on the new WCDP website. Stay informed on:

  • the review process
  • where and when you can contribute to the review process
  • what the outcomes and decisions are in each phase of the process

‍The plan is reviewed by a joint committee formed by delegated members of the three Wairarapa District Councils. It is expected that during the plan review, the committee will receive direction from Government as new policies are rolled out. It will therefore need to include consideration of these policies, and possibly others, as they arise.

Right now the committee is identifying and confirming significant resource management issues, including subdivisions, financial contributions, indigenous biodiversity, historical heritage and planning for natural hazards and climate change.‍

Informal consultation on a draft District Plan is planned for late October 2022. Work has continued on Plan topics so that the project and Draft Plan meets National Planning Standards timeline in 2024.

The advisory group and combined WCDP Review Committee continue to examine the draft
chapters and issues. The review has shifted to approving largely final drafts at numerous and closely
spaced workshops.

Final drafts provided to the Joint committee included:

* Strategic Direction
* Natural Hazards
* General Rural Zone
* Future Urban Zone
* Opens Space/Natural Open Space/Sport and Active Recreation Zones
* Notable Trees
* Historic Heritage
* Network utilities

Engagement will take place via a written feedback process, and community drop-in sessions with planning staff.

Formal notification and engagement on the Proposed District Plan will take place in mid-2023.

Other plans

Asset Management Plans

Asset Management Plans provide a framework for the efficient stewardship of the Council’s infrastructural assets. They show how the Council will meet current and future levels of service required by the community through the creation, operation, maintenance, renewal, and disposal of infrastructural assets in the most cost effective way.

Land Transport Asset Management Plan
Water Asset Management Plan
Wastewater Asset Management Plan

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